
未来的基础. 共同创造未来世界.


这篇文章是 首次发表在LinkedIn上 全球运营总裁帕特里克·希尔.


从未来几周开始, 正规博彩十大网站排名 will be sharing a 关闭r look at how we’re thinking about pivotal global trends and what we’re doing to help navigate them: 

  • 在世界经济论坛的 2020年全球风险报告, survey respondents listed the “failure of climate change mitigation and adaptation” as the top long-term risk by impact. 我们将探讨如何通过共同创造更健康、更有弹性的地方来应对气候变化.
  • 欧洲国际承包商 估计 that global infrastructure investments needs will reach $94 trillion by 2040 to address economic and demographic trends worldwide. We’ll talk about ways to transform critical infrastructure systems to deliver for current populations and future generations. 
  • A 2021 研究 麦肯锡的一项研究发现,能源转型将是普遍而重大的, 有风险,但也有机会. 我们将探讨如何开拓和引导过渡到一个更可持续和更有弹性的能源未来. 

在过去的25年中, I’ve been part of an organisation dedicated to co-creating and delivering critical infrastructure with public and private sector owner-clients across nearly every industry sector. 

有弹性的, 可持续发展的, world-class infrastructure is the backbone of thriving societies—and the scale and complexity of these large-scale infrastructure projects has never been more challenging than it is today. 

长期存在的经济体系越来越脆弱, 商业环境也更加不稳定. The World Economic Forum’s latest Global Risk Perception Survey found 54% respondents expect this to continue in the short term. 这些都不是孤立的问题, 但所有项目所有者都面临着相互关联的全球挑战, 比如气候变化, rapid urbanisation and provision of secure and affordable essential services through inflationary cost-of-living events. Our industry is being challenged to deliver positive and enduring impacts of infrastructure for communities and ecosystems while meeting the heightened expectations of expanding stakeholder groups. 

几乎无一例外, the project-owners that I engage with around the globe are aware of these challenges and committed to being part of the solution. 

然而, 操作上, 许多人受到有限资金的限制, 物理, and human resources with the experience and horsepower to bring their objectives to life at the required urgency.

Public sector owner-clients are often exposed to the whims of electoral commitments that are sometimes more focused on vote-attracting announcements and ribbon-cutting than the more unheralded background work to ‘front-end-load’ projects to unlock innovation, 降低风险, 为他们的利益相关者提供物有所值的解决方案. 

私营部门的客户对其股东负有义务. 他们需要交付的确定性和可预测性. 一旦作出战略投资承诺, 他们需要可靠的合作伙伴,他们可以保证交货,帮助他们把产品推向市场, 正如他们对客户和投资者的承诺一样. 

面对这些挑战, government-owned enterprises and private sector organisations around the world are looking for trusted advisors to help them thrive in an uncertain future—relying on foundational partners that co-create innovative yet practical approaches to help provide the required outcomes. 


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微笑的非裔美国妇女在夜晚漫步在城市的林荫大道上, 指着摩天大楼上有趣的广告牌. 在灯火照亮的街道上漫步的女商人

从发展气候适应能力和向低碳未来过渡, 对首页进行现代化改造, 政府和企业面临严峻挑战. 他们的反应将决定我们的未来.

当我们的客户应对这些挑战时, we help them think differently – working together to pioneer tomorrow's infrastructure solutions and build the foundations for a prosperous, 安全的未来. 

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