
我们与50多个国家的政府、城市和企业合作. Learn more about 我们所做的 首先,或 connect with us through your preferred method to begin a conversation with one of our exceptional teammates on how we can tackle challenges together.

请在下面找到我们工作的关键区域的一些亮点. 正规博彩十大网站排名各个地点的更多细节将很快公布.

North America and the Caribbean

With both large and small projects in water, 运输, 首页, 环境, advanced technologies, 核 and industrial markets, we are proud to work 关闭ly with our government, city and business clients.

Whether it’s collaborating with other regions, investing in our company or finding new ways to build networks with our employees and the communities in which we work, it’s our passion and dedication to creating amazing feats of engineering that means we can tackle challenges in any form they come, and turn them in to amazing opportunities.

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Europe and South Africa

We are proud to be involved in some of the European region's most incredible projects as we help our clients achieve their ambitions in 运输, 环境, 核, water and instrumentation and advanced technology.

我们相信我们所有的项目都是从建立信任开始的, confidence and commitment with our clients, 我们对我们的员工和我们工作的社区也是如此. 这就是为什么我们在培养毕业生和实习生方面投入了如此多的资金, 这就是为什么我们要确保我们积极参与社区活动,回馈社会, 太.

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Our experts across water, 运输 and urban development in the 中东 are poised to address the regional clients’ large 首页 needs, because we couple our legacy of 技术 excellence with passion for solving the world’s most challenging problems. 我们与客户合作,共同建设持久的首页发展, while transferring knowledge and helping empower the next generation of our clients’ leaders who would continue working with us to expand and maintain these developments.

我们的团队很自豪能够在整个中东地区开展广泛的合作. 因为我们有充分的内部规划和设计能力, 我们在支持世界各地的一系列项目和团队方面处于有利地位.

United Arab Emirates

在过去的十年里,人口几乎增加了两倍, 阿拉伯联合酋长国是一个正在经历巨大增长和发展的国家. Our visionary team, based out of Abu Dhabi, 迪拜, 而沙迦完全有能力直面这一挑战.

Providing a full, 在2020年迪拜世博会和阿提哈德铁路等重大项目和计划中采用跨学科方法, we offer consulting, program management, 设计, 所有市场的建设和运营支持. Pioneering thinking, local knowledge and understanding of cultural sensitivities are just some of the watch words for a team that is leading the way in 中东 growth.


Our visionary team in 卡塔尔 provides 环境al, industrial and advanced technology, urban development, water and 核 services. With a history of delivering whole-system solutions, 他们解决包括环境在内的复杂问题, 将社会和经济的可持续性作为其方法的一个组成部分. The FIFA World Cup 2022™, Doha Metro, and Doha South Sewage Infrastructure Program 是否有三个这样的项目需要一个集成的方法来实现愿景.


We first started working in the 中东 more than 30 years ago with an urban development project in Dammam, 沙特阿拉伯. 从那时起, our team in 沙特阿拉伯 has provided a pivotal source of knowledge for planning and 设计 right through to construction, operations and maintenance. With talented teams in water, 运输, urban and 环境 throughout the Country, we are proud to collaborate on a wide range of projects and deliver solutions where challenges once s太d.

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Our presence in 亚太地区 is recognized for providing our clients seamless connection to world’s best global knowledge and experience through our family of highly attentive staff who operate through regional and global centers of excellence. 我们的合作和注重结果的文化根植于我们对工作的热情, 让我们的员工发挥最大的潜能,帮助客户将挑战转化为机遇.

Through our network of regional offices in Singapore, 澳大利亚, 新西兰, 中国, 香港, 印度, 马来西亚, 泰国, 菲律宾, and South Korea, we provide a complete set of vertically integrated services across the project delivery lifecycle from project conceptualization through to operations and maintenance. The markets we serve include: water, 环境al services, industrial and advanced technology, 运输, 城市项目, tunneling and earth engineering.

我们的印度团队很自豪能够利用当地的专业知识推动和支持远近的项目, technology transfer and program management capabilities as well as established relationships and joint ventures with local firms, 解决私营和公共部门项目的工程挑战.

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