Press Release May 22, 2024

Jacobs Selected to Provide Program Management Services for Florida Public Transit Expansion

Program will connect state's third biggest airport to world's third busiest cruise port; Supports vision to create more sustainable, 相互联系和包容的社区


达拉斯2024年5月22日/美通社/—— Jacobs (纽约证券交易所代码:J)被选中为布劳沃德县交通局首次公共交通扩建提供项目管理服务. The 30-year, $4.40亿美元的项目将把该县的交通首页改造成一个多式联运系统,新的轻轨线路连接劳德代尔堡-好莱坞国际机场和佛罗里达州的埃弗格莱兹港, U.S.

借鉴类似企业的经验 复杂的首页项目, Jacobs will manage all program services under its five-year, $17.与县政府签订了500万美元的合同, 从制定初始轨道交通项目的设计标准到确定优化系统维护和运营的方法. In addition to light rail, the program includes bus rapid transit and commuter rail as well as transit-oriented发展 经济适用房. In 2018, county residents approved a one-percent transportation surtax to fund the program.

“公共交通系统能做的不仅仅是运送人们. They connect communities and stimulate economic development," said Jacobs Senior Vice President Chrissy Thom. “在布劳沃德县这样的人口稠密的城市地区扩展这些复杂的系统是具有挑战性的,但对于满足南佛罗里达州不断增长的人口和巨大的旅游业是至关重要的."

在过去的14年里, more than 100,000 new residents have moved to Broward County making it one of America's largest counties. By modernizing transit infrastructure and developing mixed-use spaces with affordable housing options, 该县希望进一步刺激经济增长,同时使居民和游客更方便地从机场到港口,甚至到整个地区.

Ranked as No.项目管理1 by 《正规博彩十大网站排名》, 雅各布斯提供了当今最复杂的问题, challenging and iconic infrastructure and transformation programs. 雅各布斯支持过纽约市这样的项目 麦迪逊中央车站项目这条铁路改变了美国最繁忙的通勤铁路.S., the 泰晤士河潮汐隧道, one of the largest water infrastructure projects ever undertaken in the U.K., and Etihad Rail, one of the largest infrastructure efforts in the United Arab Emirates.

At Jacobs, we're challenging today to reinvent tomorrow by solving the world's most critical problems for thriving cities, 有弹性的环境, 关键任务的结果, 业务发展, 科学发现和尖端制造, turning abstract ideas into realities that transform the world for good. With approximately $16 billion in annual revenue and a talent force of more than 60,000, Jacobs provides a full spectrum of professional services including consulting, technical, scientific and project delivery for the government and private sector. Visit 和雅各布斯联系 Facebook, InstagramLinkedIn and X.

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